Mpg2Cut2 v2.8.6d Build B418
- AC3 & LPCM header processing improved.
-LPCM zero channels problem fixed.
-AC3 false sync-byte skipped.
- Volume down bug fixed.
-Ensures volume control activated when needed.
- Frame Rate Override now adjusts audio preview rate.
- Command Line selections extended.
-Now allows for 32 FROM-TO pairs in command line.
- Misc minor changes.
Mpg2Cut2 v2.8.5e Build AA30 Beta
- Volume Control Slider
The new [V] button brings up a Volume Control window. That has 2 sliders and a number of tick boxes.The 1st slider is a conventional volume control.The 2nd slider is for the Audio Limiter.The Limiter is useful when ads are much louder than the program.Boost settings are storeded separately for different types of audio track,and will be retained across sessions as an option.Misc improvements have been made to Automatic Volume Control (AVC).
- Space bar toggles Play/Pause.
Previously this only operated if already playing.Now it can be used to start playing as well.Note that Pause is different to Stop (Esc key), as Stop aligns on an I-frame, suitable for From/To marking, but Pause just freezes the decoder mid-stream.
- Small change in terminology.
"Append File" is now called "Add File".
- New Time option - REL and TOD together.
New option shows both Relative time and recorded Time Of Day together, to avoid the need to change back and forth between REL and TOD.Menu - Misc - Time Format - REL & TOD.
- Ability to change Luminance button preset values.
Adjust sliders for the new setting that you want; Click the [@] button; Then click the button you want changed to this new setting.
- Moved "Swap U-V" and "Negative" into Luminance dialog. Originally these were menu options. Now they are buttons.
- Keyboard shortcuts for Luminance buttons [B], [C] and [D].
Shift-L (B=Bold); Ctrl-L (D=Default); Shift-Ctrl-L (C). Alt-L (toggle the Luminance enable on/off). Quicker than bringing up the Luminance dialog to click on a button.
- Adjusted processing of command line parameters.
There is a problem with the "no-confirm" option, so it is turned off.
- Better navigation when average bitrate much lower than Nominal.
Large jumps will now be calculated using average bitrate rather than nominal.
Fastback option now updates during preview.
- Drop Padding option extended.
Drop Padding will now drop Vob NAV Packs as well. The option will also temporarily turn on "Parse All Pkts". Dropping will be inhibited if saving to VOB format or if using Vob Preservation option.
- Selective saving of audio tracks.
Fixed bugs in the "Save Parts" dialog. NOT TESTED MUCH, as I don't have many multi-audio files.
- Transport Stream PID controls cleaned-up.
When viewing a Transport Stream (TS), the Menu - View - PID controls are easier to use. Just tick "Current" once you are viewing the PID that you are interested in. To go back to seeing all PIDs, tick "All".
- Misc minor changes.
If you have the Volume Boost set quite HIGH, (1st slider) but the Limiter set quite LOW, (2nd slider) then they will be acting AGAINST each other.
This will provide maximum smoothing of volume levels, but background noises may become annoying. EG Traffic noise, people breathing, camera whirr, tape hiss. So adjust according to your personal taste.
Mpg2Cut2 v2.8.5 Build 9710 (2.8.5c)
- .....
- *New Support Forum, New Home Page.
*New forum on GoogleGroups :- Rocket Jetty
*New Home Page on Tripod :- Rocket Jetty (The old forum stopped working.)
Mpg2Cut2 v2.8.5 Build 9330 (2.8.5a)
- Output Parsing bug FIXED.
(I think !)
- Option to suppress unwanted audio trackss.
File - Save Parts.
- Better detection of Mpeg Audio frame heaaders.
Work still in progress.
- Fix calculation of Mpeg Audio frame sizee.
- Leadtek Overlay Key option.
If Leadtek Winfast is running in the background in silent mode, it stops Mpg2Cut2 from using it's own Color Key for the overlay.
Turn on the following option to force Mpg2Cut2 to use the Leadtek Color Key. MENU - VIEW - TECHNICAL - DRIVER CONFLICTS - LEADTEK OVL KEY Side effect is that Menus become transparent.
- VHS less ugly during preview.
2 options are available to help when previewing VHS sourved material.
These options do *NOT* alter the output file at all.
a) Luminance panel "VHS" option limits oversaturated red.
b) MENU - VIEW - SPECIAL FX - VHS Convergence.
Allows Color to be shifted slightly, relative to luminance.
- Regressed compiler maintenance.
My rebuild of the VC-6 environment under XP stuffed up the optimizer.
So I have gone back to Win98 for "Release" compiles, until I figure out what went wrong under XP.
I suspect the processor pack or one of the SP packs.
- Misc minor changes.
- *Warning for Panasonic DVD recorders :-
I still need to do a lot more work for compatibility.
E.g. Long clips still seem to have problems for some reason.
- *Warning for Satellite users :-
The Time Stamp correction option is NOT compatible with Satellite.
Mpg2Cut2 v2.8.4 Build 9130
Change Log for this Pre-Alpha :
- Reduced tendency to sleep for a few seconds when closing audio.
This was very annoying, but it is now significantly reduced. However, there is still an issue with fast play sound getting too far ahead.
There are bugs, and it makes my brain hurt, so these are now OFF.
- Auto-Split output by Clip.
Saves each clip into a separate file in a single action.This is the RECOMMENDED approach, for compatibility with other players.
File - Save PARTS - Split - @clip.
- Option to automatically added Clip number to Output File Name.
When manually saving each clip as you go along, it will automatically add the clip number to the name of the output file.
Menu - Output - Default Extension - Add Clip Number.
- Auto-Preview on BMP snapshot.
To avoid being surprised by the effect of the difference in Luminance settings between Overlay and RGB modes, a preview of how the frame looks in RGB mode will be shown, together with the luminance controls to allow adjustment.
Closing the Luminance controls commits the BMP .
By default, this Auto-Preview action only occurs on the first snap from the file, but this can be changed in the Menu - Output - BMP - Auto-Preview.
Expert users can modify the effect of the Luminance preset buttons. INI file :- "LumPresets=gamma1,contrast1,brightness1;gamma2,contrast2,brightness2;".
- CUE mode throttle.
The CUE button seemed way too fast on a Pentium 4, so now it will default to being around the same speed as a P3 CUE.
If you prefer the faster CUE on a P4, then turn OFF :-
- Crop Top and Bot Edges.
Some videos have annoying dots on the top or bottom edge, can now be hidden from view.
Menu - View - Cropping- Crop Top and Bot Edges.
- Option to invert view (Vertical Flip).
Menu - View - Special FX - Invert. [Shift-I]
- Playback volume handling changes.
Volume limiting option for quieter preview of loud files. Reduces the playback ceiling to roughly 70% of maximum. Volume boost and ceiling values can be overridden in the INI file. Auto reset of Audio track number if selected track not found.
Hysteresis on Automatic Volume Control.
- New action - Split Selection.
The portion of the current selection up to the current view becomes a clip, the selection is updated to exclude that section, so that the new From point is set to the current view position,
- Post-Process command line can now be much longer.
- Batch command line can specify multiple input file names.
There is a slight bug - the picture does not show until you navigate. EG: Mpg2Cut2 "File1.mpg" "File2.mpg" "File3.mpg"
- Toolbar options.
Toolbar Buttons and Scrollbar can now be toggled separately. F12 = Scrollbar Only_ _ Alt-F12 = Buttons Only _ _ F11 = Both. Toggling and External players are now under the Window heading.
- Settings can be saved for Zoom and Aspect Ratio override.
- Allow for Packless Program Streams.
- Tidy up of RGB mode and Fast 420 yuy2 chroma deinterlacer.
- Fixed bug in LPCM decode where packet split across block.
- Smarter alignment of leading audio packets.
Try to avoid false syncword bit patterns.
- Experimental option to unmux audio in PES format.
Allows retention of timing info in PES hdr. Still experimental.
- Correctly report Mpeg Audio Extensions.
Mpeg 2.5 and Low Sampling Frequency extensions will now report correctly.
- Slow-1 now adjusts for difference between silent FPS and sound FPS.
Use when viewing silent film that was telecined too fast. (Keyboard shortcut = 's')
- Allow for bug in ATI driver.
Some ATI drivers sometimes give sloping video on first display. To fix :-
MENU - VIEW - TECHNICAL - Overlay Notification - ATI sloping.
- Manual allowance for Monitor Aspect ratio problems.
A new INI file line wth the keyword "N3" has been created. The first value on that line is a percentage amount to adjust for Monitor issues. EG. If the image on the monitor is 5% too wide, then set "N3=-5" to reduce the image width by 5%. Leave the other parameters on that line unchanged. Reserved for future use.
- Experimental Audio read-ahead option.
Experimental feature preparatory to possible lip sync during preview, eventually.
- Misc minor changes.
- Warning for Panasonic DVD recorders :-
I still need to do a lot more work for compatibility. E.g. Long clips still seem to have problems for some reason.
- Warning for Satellite users :-
The Time Stamp correction option is NOT compatible with Satellite.
Fault Tolerant, GOP level, binary editor for basic cutting of Mpeg2 Program Stream files. Handles large files (> 4GB) captured from Digital Television broadcasts (DTV), including High Definiton (HDTV).
The JOINS are ROUGH, but the tool is FREE.
MS-Vista Aero mode apparently has *NO SUPPORT* for DirectDraw Overlay. You can either turn off Aero mode in MS-Windows Vista (preferred), or tick "Never Use Overlay" in the Mpg2Cut2 View menu.
Programda Mpeg1-2 kayıtları basitçe kesip biçebilirsiniz..File > Open den ilgili kayıtınızı açın..Şimdi burda amaç sadece istenilen bölümleri seçmekdir..Seçilmeyen bölümler işleme alınmaz..İstediğiniz bölümün başını seçmek için "[" butonuna tıklayın..Sonunu seçmek için ise "]" butonuna tıklayın..Bölümün başını ve sonunu seçtikden sonra bu aralığı kayıt etmek ve yeni aralık seçmek için "+" butonuna tıklayın..( Eğer Edit > Auto-add seçeneği Auto ise bu işleme gerek kalmadan aralığın sonu "]" butonuna basılıp işaretlendiğinde otomatik ekleme yapılır, ki bu seçenek default seçenekdir..) Bu şekilde bölümleri seçtikden sonra en son File > Save All Clips e tıklayıp bir isim yazıp ok. lerseniz seçtiğiniz bölümler tek kayıt olarak yapılandırılacakdır..
Program Vista Aero modda uyumsuz olduğundan Vista da kullanıyorsanız, Programda View > Never Use Overlay a tıklayın..
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