WinLIRC 0.9.0i
- Added automatic signal polarity detection to the audio receiver plugin.
- Removed the lowest sampling frequency from the audio receiver plugin, since it was too low.
- Improved compatability of the IRMan plugin with various hardware.
- Changed the process priorty to just high, instead of realtime.
- Fixed COM leaking in various plugins that use it.
- Added a new plugin for IR-tiny receivers.
WinLIRC 0.9.0h
- Added an option to automaticaly start WinLIRC when windows boots. Since the program currently has no uninstaller its advised to untick the button before deleting WinLIRC.
- Fixed the "No match found for ircode" bug that was introduced in the previous build.
- Fixed an incorrect string in the audio receiver plugin. ( thanks Vort )
- Fixed a dead lock threading bug (on closing) in the audio receiver plugin.
- Fixed a dead lock threading bug effecting all plugins when trying to shut down. ( thanks leg0 for finding this one )
- Decoding bug fixes for the audio plugin.
- Changed the MAX_SIGNALS in irrecord to support remotes with crazy long codes (air conditioners)
- Plugins now have 1 second to re-init after sleep. Should stop usb failing after re-awakening from sleep.
- Two parting transmission code is (hopefully) working.
- The IRToy plugin now only shows valid com ports on the system.
- Geniatech T200, T220, T220A are now supported by the Geniatech plugin.
WinLIRC 0.9.0f
- Plugins that don't support recording of remotes now have the options blanked out in WinLIRC.
- Implemented the rest of the LIST LIRC protocol.
- Fixed invalid commands reporting success.
- Fixed the server breaking if the max number of clients connected.
- 1 new plugin for Hauppage TV cards ( thanks Philipp Borsutzki )
WinLIRC 0.9.0e
- 3 new plugins for TBS and Prof compatible DVB tuners ( Thanks Crazycat )
- A fix to stop plugins failing to load when the program is started from the registry or by other tools that mess with the current directory of the program. ( Thanks leg0 )
- Fixed a crash when the setup dialog was closed. ( Thanks leg0 )
- A fix for the IRMan plugin. The device requires the RTS and DTS pins to be on to work, and this was previously missing.
- Removed unneeeded putting back into sample mode during transmit for the IRToy.
WinLIRC 0.9.0d
- Rewritten the server part a bit to properly support transmit repeats via TCP
- 2 new plugins for a range of satellite tv cards based upon Skystar and Geniatech chipsets. ( Thanks Crazycat )
- Brand new icon ! (Big thanks to the guys at Zoomplayer for this - )
WinLIRC 0.9.0c
- New plugin for the CommandIR hardware (thanks Matthew)
- More transmit bug fixes !
WinLIRC 0.9.0b
- 2 new plugins for TV cards ( thanks crazycat :) )
- Increased the size of the sending buffer for transmitting, long protocols like RC6 with enough repeats were coming out larger than our transmit buffer size. Effects MCE and IRToy plugins.
- Added an option to automatically create configs (using irrecord) from the GUI. No more command line needed.
WinLIRC 0.9.0a
- New Xbox 360 controller plugin.
- Totally rewritten Streamzap plugin.
- Bug fixes to all MCE receiver plugins.
- Added support for SET_TRANSMITTERS in the WinLIRC server and to the MCE and Iguana plugins.
- [0.9.0] MCE plugin for Vista/7 64, large changes to audio receiver plugin, fixes to IR Toy USB plugin.
- [0.9.0] New beholder tv tuner plugin.
- [0.9.0] Various other fixes
- [0.9.0] New option to disable system tray.
- [0.9.0] RawCodes example client which shows the raw remote messages coming from the WinLIRC server.
- [0.9.0] Special thanks to Price for supporting me with this release, and PETY3bI for the Beholder plugin.
WinLIRC 0.8.7a
- Fixed some crash vulnerabilities in the WinLIRC server. The vulnerabilities exist in all previous versions of WinLIRC.
- Transmitting inside the program worked fine, but externally from command line or by TCP was hopelessly broken.The sending string wasn't null terminated so it was basically fluke if it worked or crashed. Again this problem was in all previous versions.
- Bundled two new plugins, one for the Firefly mini remote, and the other for the Microsoft MCE receiver.
- Fixed a few handle leaks in some of the plugins.
WinLIRC 0.8.7
- Changed the default for the server to only allow localhost connections.
- Updates to IRRecord
- Bundled all the updated plugins. Ie the Serial plugin in the previous version had a critical bug in it where the transmitter was left on. Updated plugins are always available in the files section. Always check to make sure you have the latest version.
- Bundled some of the other tools with WinLIRC such as IRGraph.
*Skystar2 remote control owners; Read readme.txt in skystar2 folder and just move winlirc.ini from this folder to plugins folder !
WinLIRC 0.8.6b
- Much better error handling with regards to config files. Previously there were no warnings if the config file path was invalid, or there was a problem with the config file.
- Made improvements to how repeats are handled. You can now skip the first few repeats if your remote sends too many. For me this enables menu navigation, whilst still being able to get repeats if I hold down the remote longer. Technically you can put many remotes in a single config file, so these settings are global. But I think most people will only use 1 remote at a time.
- Bundled the updated Iguana plugin. Now with sending support. Check the files section on sourceforge for updates for your receiver plugin.
- I've changed the hardware export API slightly to add an extra function for other receivers. This change has affected all plugins. But it's only a minor change.
- Updated IRRecord accordingly.
- *Please submit bug reports to the sourceforge webpage, if you have problems. I can't help when you just leave
negative feedback when things don't work.
WinLIRC 0.8.6a
- Fixed a file handle leak
- Changed the program so it doesn't need a config file. Potentially some receiver types might not need them, as they might only support 1 remote anyway. Ie receiver/remote info built into plugin dll.
- Changed the CurrentDirectory to the plugins folder. This change effected all the plugins. So don't use older
plugins with this build as they will look for the ini file in the wrong folder. Otherwise the API is the same.
- Added support for a USB receiver.
WinLIRC 0.8.6 (based on LIRC 0.8.6) - by Ian Curtis
I've made some quite large changes to WinLIRC. The original program was hard coded to basically use serial recievers. While this was fine for many years, a lot of newer pcs don't have serial ports ! And that presents a big problem. I wanted to build my own simple reciever and support it in the original version of WinLIRC. The audio input reciever would essentially share the same code base as the serial version, as it works with raw timing information. But I came to the conclusion that it would just be too messy to try and
add support for a second reciever, so I redesigned the whole program.
WinLIRC now only acts a server/GUI, and loads config files. All the decoding is now from from within a DLL file. I created a simple C API for this.
#define SI_API __declspec(dllexport)
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
SI_API int init (HANDLE exitEvent);
SI_API void deinit ();
SI_API int hasGui ();
SI_API void loadSetupGui();
SI_API int sendIR (struct ir_remote *remotes, struct ir_ncode *code, int repeats);
SI_API int decodeIR (struct ir_remote *remotes, char *out);
#ifdef __cplusplus
If you want to add support for a new reciever, just export those functions from a DLL. sendIR and loadSetupGui can be stubbed if needed. Most of the decode code can be taken from the LIRC project. Copy and paste directly.
The init function should create/destroy a thead if needed. In my audio example it doesn't need this, as the Windows API automatically creates a thread for capturing audio, and destroys it again when I stop. The decodeIR function runs in a seperate thread. It runs in the daemon thread from WinLIRC itself, and should be
exited when exitEvent is triggered.
I decided to write all the settings to the INI file, as the program has no uninstaller. Just makes things simpler. The registery is no longer used. If you write a plugin, feel free to put the settings in the same file.
Although not required, the DLLs also export a hardware struct. This struct will contain information that the IRRecord program, when it's done will eventually use. This is slightly different to the standard LIRC one, but near enough. The idea is, the IRRecord program will just be able to load whichever dll you have for your
reciever and you will be able to record input with it.
If you have any problems with this, feel free to email me, or leave a bug report on sourceforge. If you have problems with the serial version, just roll back to the older version which is 0.6.5, since that was the last stable build with the old architecture.
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