Mp3tag v2.96
- Fixed, runtime error when clicking on existing files while adding files via drag and drop.
- Fixed, added detection of image type in case no mimetype is set.
- Changed, copy cover art to clipboard now also copies original data in addition to DIB.
- Fixed, discogs titles with pipe symbol were identified as different titles.
- Added support for detection of Opus in files with *.ogg file extension.
- Fixed, initial column width in Tag Sources didn't respect splitter sizing.
Mp3tag v2.85
- Fixed, Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (version 1709) was prevented from shutting down without user interaction in some cases.
- Fixed, Tag Panel column width was calculated wrong if Tag Panel was docked horizontally (since 2.84d). (#23056)
- added support for Matroska MKA/MKV files for Explorer context menu shell extension. (#22955)
- Fixed, deleting a file with subsongs did not remove the other subsongs of that file from the file list.
- Fixed, removing MP4 chapters from a filtered file list left orphan subsongs of those files when disabling the filter.
- Fixed, moving subsongs from a filtered file list left orphan subsongs of those files when disabling the filter.
- Fixed, moving files from a filtered file list did not update file list correctly (since 2.84). (#23047)
- Fixed, importing format descriptions to MEDIATYPE field via Discogs tag source did not work. (#23011)
- Fixed, GDI resource leak when populating the list of user-defined tools.
- Fixed, relative paths from playlists were not canonicalized and sometimes unnecessarily exceeded the 260 character path limit.
- updated Hungarian and Swedish language files.
- extended list of default genres by ID3v1 genres 148 to 191. (#22984)
- Fixed, runtime error when using Mp3tag on computers with older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III, Athlon XP, ...) (since 2.84b).
- added support for Matroska MKA/MKV files.
- updated internally used libraries.
- Fixed, contents of BPM fields for MP4 were not read in some cases.
- querying via Discogs Release ID now also works in [r1234567] format (as available on the Discogs website).
Mp3tag v2.84a
- Fixed, Windows XP based and Wine-based installations (macOS/Linux) had problems with HTTP/HTTPS connections.
Mp3tag v2.84
- Fixed, renaming files did not update name in file list in all cases (since 2.83h).
- updated Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, Italian, Japanese, Polish and Slovak language files.
- added ABSENT as synonym for MISSING in Filter and updated documentation. (#22766)
- Fixed, reading system-encoded WAV RIFF INFO sub chunks did result in data truncation in case special characters were involved. (#22742)
- Fixed, directory field at Tag Panel didn't use correct case for directory names when entered with incorrect casing. (#22043)
- Fixed, installer didn't consider user input for startmenu folder when updating. (#22479)
- Fixed, format strings for converter 'Filename - Filename' showed UTF-8 encoded data if special characters were involved.
- added support for Nero-style MP4 chapters.
- Fixed, error message when writing tags to larger files in some cases (since 2.83f).
- improved MP4 tagging compatibility.
- Fixed, added reading of non-iTunes custom MP4 tags. (#22695)
- Fixed, attempting to write tags to larger files that are locked by other processes left only temporary file in some cases. (#22734)
- added $distance(x,y) scripting function to compute edit distance between strings x and y.
- Fixed, runtime error when using Mp3tag on computers with older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III, Athlon XP, ...) (since 2.83c).
- Fixed, manually rearranging files in file list resulted in unexpected behaviour when renaming files (since 2.83c). (#22663)
- Fixed, extended documentation of web sources framwork function 'MoveLine'. (#22654)
- Fixed, wav files with invalid ID3Helper data at end of file were not read.
- updated Opus to version 1.2.1.
- made cue sheet handling fully transparent so that it doesn't require artificially indexed filenames anymore.
- extended Discogs tag source with fallback detection of secondary images if no primary image exists. (#22475)
- added web sources framework functions to check if output contains content via 'ifoutput' and 'ifnotoutput'.
- modified dialog for adding cover-art from files to raise warning message if file doesn't exist.
- added check to Discogs tag source if query gave any results which results in correct error message.
- Fixed, runtime error when clicking on tag sources toolbar button and last used tag source was removed.
- Fixed, runtime error if Discogs cover-only tag source returned no results (since 2.83a).
- Fixed, dot and underscore characters where percent-encoded when querying Discogs which resulted in HTTP 401 error.
- extended Discogs result list to current API maximum of 100 releases.
- added Discogs cover-only tag source for search via Discogs Release ID.
- added Discogs cover-only tag source for search via album name.
Mp3tag v2.83
- added MP4 column to tag-field mappings overview table in documentation.
- removed Amazon tag sources after invalidated Mp3tag's web services account.
- Discogs tag source name is now correctly capitalized.
- updated Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Polish and Turkish language files.
- added Discogs Release ID tag source to directly search by Discogs Release ID.
- added support for ISRC field in cue sheets. (#12046)
- main performer from cue sheet is now mapped to ALBUMARTIST (instead of ALBUM ARTIST). (#12046)
- Fixed, special characters in main performer from cue sheet were not correctly converted when writing. (#12046)
- Fixed, cue sheets that started with a different track number than 1 were not read.
- Fixed, checkboxes at dialog for cover export were not labeled correctly (since 2.82b).
- Fixed, tags saved to wrong file when auto-save was enabled and column-click in file list changed the file order. (#22571)
- Fixed, Discogs Web Source had problems with certain artists which resulted in obsolete comma after artist name. (#21603, #22494)
- Fixed, sort arrow was incorrectly shown for next column after adding or removing a column left from the sort column. (#15855, #20154)
- added option to restrict action-based cover export to certain cover type.
- Fixed, added detection of non-iTunes custom MP4 tags which are now kept unmodified during rewrites.
- Fixed, encoding of cover art for Opus did not always include Base64 padding (which was problematic for some players).
- added support for stripping Nero-style chapter information from MP4 files via context-menu in the file list.
- added support for detecting Nero-style MP4 tags and reporting via %_tag% if present.
- Fixed, runtime error at Export if loop limit exceeded actual export result set size.
- added Indonesian language file.
- Fixed, possible index overflow at $substr() scripting function.
Mp3tag v2.82
- Fixed, mp4 atoms with errorneous data size descriptors were not detected. (#22429)
- Fixed, after closing the filter window via the x symbol, focus was still on the now invisible filter window. (#20831)
- Fixed, auto-numbering wizard did not consider track-number offset when determining amount of leading zeros. (#22396)
- Fixed, removed text-length limitation from track number field at tag panel. (#20106)
- Fixed, some actions allowed to create empty tag fields for certain tag formats. (#18139, #19012)
- removed associate tag from web sources.
- Fixed, unicode characters in filenames where not supported when exporting configuration to zip file. (#22377)
- Fixed, scripting functions $meta(x), $meta(x,n) and $meta_sep(x,sep) did not create matches in square bracket notion. (#21937, #21938)
- updated Vorbis to version 1.3.5.
- updated Ogg to version 1.3.2.
- updated FLAC to version 1.3.2.
- updated zlib to version 1.2.11.
- updated Opus to version 1.1.4 and Opusfile to 0.7.
- added reading of WavPack version.
- updated WavPack to version 5.1.0.
- Fixed, removed DATE from list of default tag field names. (#22226)
- Fixed, renaming directories via action 'Format value' also affected files where the folder path contained the renamed directory string. (#22216)
- Fixed, preserving the file modification date on write operations resulted in an 1h offset of the file creation date if daylight saving time status was different.
- Fixed, installer did not default to English for unsupported languages. (#22115, #22196)
Mp3tag v2.81
- added support for iTunes-specific ID3v2 grouping tag field GRP1 as GROUPING.
- added support for reading ID3v2.2 iTunes tag fields for classical music MOVEMENT, MOVEMENTTOTAL, MOVEMENTNAME.
- Fixed, automatic playlist creation used previous values after tag save.
- added support for press and hold gesture on cover art window to trigger context menu on touch devices.
- Fixed, regression where URL ID3v2 fields (WWW*) were accidentally written as multi-value fields (since v2.80a).
- Fixed, value overflow when calculating bitrate for large VBR MP3 files which resulted in negative bitrates.
- added Corsican installer language and updated Czech and Turkish language files.
- updated installer icons and graphics.
- added portable installation mode that stores settings in application directory and doesn't write information to the registry.
- installer now asks for UAC admin elevation in case if its run from a non-admin user account.
- changed installer and application to guess user language instead of asking user.
- improved installer UI for high-resolution screens with high DPI settings (DPI awareness).
- added version information to installer.
- added size estimation to uninstaller.
- added placeholders to access file path of current active playlist, i.e., %_playlist_filename%, %_playlist_filename_ext% and %_playlist_folderpath%.
- Fixed, renaming files via direct-editing in file list in %_filepath% column automatically removed trailing blanks.
- Fixed, improved ID3v2 specification compliance by adding terminating 0x00 for text strings.
- Fixed, randomizing a filtered file list by clicking on first column header resulted in resetting of list contents.
- Fixed, missing breadcrumb links in help topic for "Configuration > Tags > Mapping" and missing link from "Configuration > Tags"
- Fixed, converter 'Tag - Filename' treated paths that were built from field values containing slash characters as relative.
Mp3tag v2.80
- updated and web sources to include cover dimensions in list of search results.
- added support for press and hold gesture to trigger context menu on touch devices.
- added Arabic language file and updated French and Russian language files.
- added support for iTunes flag to trigger showing movement information instead of the song title via SHOWMOVEMENT (MP4 only).
- bitrate indicator is now kbits/s instead of kBit/s
- added support for iTunes tag fields for classical music MOVEMENT, MOVEMENTTOTAL, MOVEMENTNAME (ID3v2 and MP4) and for WORK (MP4 only).
- Fixed, runtime error when moving files in tag sources dialog past the end of the file list.
- Fixed, runtime error when parsing some mono and non-pcm WAV files.
Mp3tag v2.79
- updated Dutch, Finnish, Hebrew, and Spanish language files.
- Fixed, Wine's long path prefix \\?\ was not handled correctly.
- Wine-based is now signed using a verified Developer Certificate as required by macOS Sierra.
- Fixed, displaying tooltips for very long texts in Tag Panel input fields blocked UI.
- Fixed, converter 'Tag - Filename' had problems with relative paths (since 2.78a).
- Fixed, converter 'Tag - Filename' produced in some cases file names which started with one backslash.
- Fixed, preview for converter 'Tag - Filename' displayed wrong file names in some rare cases.
- Fixed, information for 32-bit WAV was not displayed.
- Fixed, changing the Filter was possible even if files were currently loading.
Mp3tag v2.78
- added support for AIF/AIFC/AIFF files with ID3v2 tags.
- Fixed, addressed occasional Tag Panel repaint issue.
- added support for ITUNESOWNER field that reports the user name from the iTunes Store.
- modified setup to not create start-menu shortcut to uninstaller on new installs.
- Fixed, samplerate for some MP4 files was not reported correctly.
Mp3tag v2.77
- updated Hungarian, Italian and Russian language files.
- Fixed, runtime error when tagging FLAC files on computers with older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III, Athlon XP, ...) (since 2.76).
- Fixed, runtime error that appeared with some installations when displaying the file list (since 2.76).
- Fixed, samplerate for some MP4 files was not reported.
- Fixed, action import cover from file did not expand all placeholders and scripting functions in some cases (since 2.76).
Mp3tag v2.76
- Fixed, action import cover from file did not work if explicitly selected filename contained special characters that are part of the scripting language.
- Fixed, keyboard shortcuts for navigating to previous and next directory history entry were not working anymore (since 2.74)
- updated Bulgarian, Czech, Japanese and Portuguese language files.
- added support for WAV files for Explorer context menu shell extension.
- Fixed, revised status bar messages.
- added support for WAV files with INFO tags and ID3v2 tags.
- Fixed, cover art of previously selected files was still displayed even after directory change (Wine-only)
Mp3tag v2.75
- added Corsican language file and updated Japanese language file.
- Fixed, entries removed from filter history reappeared after program restart.
- Fixed, freedb web search did not work anymore (since v2.74).
- Fixed, runtime error when using Mp3tag on computers with older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III, Athlon XP, ...).
Mp3tag v2.74a
- Fixed, Discogs OAuth authentication did not work on some systems (since v2.74).
Mp3tag v2.74
- MP4 lyrics are now stored with carriage-return and line-feed as newline sequence.
- directory list in tag panel now always shows trailing backslash for directories.
- added support for %podcastkeywords% which is mapped from ID3v2 frame TKWD and MP4 atom keyw.
- added Farsi language file and updated Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, Hebrew, Italian and Slovak language files.
- Discogs OAuth authentication and default web source now uses HTTPS.
- added support for HTTPS for web sources framework.
- changed to use SHA-2 when digitally signing the installer and the program executable.
- Fixed, startup in favorite directory resulted in starting in program directory if favorite directory was configured without trailing backslash at 'Options > Directories'
- added advanced configuration option for setting the ID3v2 language code used for comments.
- Fixed, runtime error when using very long field names in converter dialogs.
Mp3tag v2.73
- updated Bulgarian, Czech and Italian language files.
- updated to libopus 1.1.1.
- added toolbar button for selecting all files.
- Fixed, previous selection was lost when adding files and directories and auto-selection was disabled (since v2.72b).
- file selection state is now preserved when filtering.
- configuration option to automatically select files that were added to the file list.
- Fixed, displayed file icon was dependent on the case of the file extension on some systems.
- added detailed error message in cases where the configuration file cannot be saved when closing Mp3tag.
- CONDUCTOR field now maps to MP4 con atom.
- added information field %_bitspersample% for some supported file types.
Mp3tag v2.72
- added official support for Windows 10.
- updated code-signing certificate.
Mp3tag v2.71
- Fixed, fixed scaling issue that appeared on some systems where toolbar icons were not rendered correctly (since v2.70).
- Fixed, after selecting multiple sequences of files auto saving affected only the last block.
- renaming files marked as read-only does not require removing of read-only flag anymore.
Mp3tag v2.70
- Added 24x24 and 32x32 toolbar icons which are used for high-resolution screens with high DPI settings
- Added support for high-resolution screens with high DPI settings (DPI awareness).
- Added 256x256 application icon
- Updated Dutch language file
- Fixed, popup menus overlapped screen in case taskbar location was top and menu did exceed the screen height
- Fixed, length for files with a duration greater than 24h was displayed incorrectly
- Fixed, runtime error at specificly broken APIC frames in ID3v2 tags
- Removed associate tag from web sources
- Fixed, field names were not always sorted when displayed in the extended tag dialog
(since v2.67)
- Fixed, directory names containing a dot had only the part till the dot in %_directory% (since v2.67)
Mp3tag v2.68
- Fixed, web sources framework function 'json_select_array' does not create error result in case parameter does not refer to an array
- Fixed, web sources framework function 'ifnot' did not work for empty parameter in some cases
- Added Discogs image caching through dedicated caching server
- Added support for complex JSON object values by web sources framework functions 'json_select_object' and 'json_unselect_object'
- Added support for boolean values in web sources framework function 'json_select'
- Fixed, MP4 codec field for encoder settings was not preserved when writing tags
- Added support for mouse wheel scrolling in tag panel
- Added context-specific detection of mouse-wheel usage to prevent accidentally overwriting the field contents
- Updated RATING MM to use latest mapping of values
- Fixed, removing filter from filter history did not reset filter and file list
- Fixed, field RELEASETIME was missing after resetting the tag fields list
- Fixed, adding cover art did not conform to the description in the documentation (select file dialog was showing the current working directory instead of the file's directory in case no default directory was provided)
- Fixed, documentation of action 'Remove duplicate fields' did not mention that the first value is retained
- Added scripting function $strcmp to compare strings case-sensitively
- Added scripting function $stricmp to compare strings case-insensitively
- Fixed, documentation of scripting function $eql did not mention that strings are compared case insensitive
- Fixed, scripting function $eql was not working correctly if strings contained umlauts or diacritic characters
- Extended number of actions possibly displayed in actions popup-menu to 500
Mp3tag v2.64
- Discogs web source rewritten based on Discogs JSON API
- Added JSON-related functions to web sources framework (json_foreach,
json_foreach_end, json_select, json_select_array, json_select_many)
- Fixed runtime error when closing Mp3tag on computers with older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III,Athlon XP, ...)
- Fixed runtime error when performing 'File > Save configuration ...' on computers with
older CPUs (e.g, Pentium III, Athlon XP, ...)
- Updated Italian and French language files
Mp3tag v2.62
- Updated Bulgarian, Czech, Hebrew, Hungarian, and Korean language files
- Added authentication via OAuth 1.0a for Discogs tag sources
- Added scripting function $list(x,y,z) to official documented scripting functions
- Replaced Romanian language file by new translation from Andrei-Felix Areanu
- Fixed runtime error when file name resulting from performing actions was one of the
reserved device file names CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1-9, or LPT1-9
- Fixed issue on some systems when selection in file list has been changed (e.g., by invert selection, or click on selected files - since v2.59b)
- Fixed runtime error when closing Mp3tag if was locked or user had no write permission
- Fixed duplicate message in preview of converter 'Text-file - Tag' for previous file in
case no matching file entry was found in text file
- Fixed file dialog at converter 'Text-file - Tag' now does not ask for creation of files
- Fixed removing files from file list occasionally resulted in runtime error (since v2.59b)
- Fixed tab order in various dialogs was wrong
Mp3tag v2.60
- Fixed, tag field mapping in help file now states that YEAR is written to TYER in ID3v2.3
- Fixed, filtered file list displayed wrong files after moving files in file list (since v2.59b)
- Rewrote huge parts of the internal code base to use standard container libraries and algorithms
- Updated Discogs web source.
- Fixed occasional runtime error while performing undo of renaming of files
Mp3tag v2.59a
- Fixed repainting issue at menu buttons for removing format strings from histories at converter 'Filename - Filename' (since v2.59).
- Added taskbar progress indicator on Windows 7 and above when peforming potentially long-running tasks.
- Added support for Direct Stream Digital Audio DSF files.
- Fixed, content rating tag field ITUNESADVISORY was not displayed if set to 0 (None).
- Updated help file with changed possible values for ITUNESADVISORY tag field.
- Improved performance when displaying actions menu.
- Added menu for removing format strings from history at converter 'Filename - Filename'.
- Fixed, enabling/disabling filter via 'View > Filter...' or F3 while in editing mode could write data to wrong file.
- Updated Bulgarian, Catalan and Russian translations.
- Fixed, ID3v2.3 TDAT was read to DATE when reading but not stored as TDAT when writing.
- Fixed, filtering for field HAS " " was also matching files without blanks.
- Fixed, export field parameter at $loop() was compared case-insensitive which caused unexpected behavior at duplicate detection.
Mp3tag v2.58
- Improved parsing performance when reading MP4 files.
- Fixed occasionally skipped last value for multi-value ID3v2 text fields.
- Reverted change: ID3v2.3 TYER/TDAT now merged into one YEAR field formatted as YYYY-MM-DD (due to popular request).
- Updated Czech, Finnish, Hebrew, and Spanish translations.
- Added workaround for broken MP4 implementations that are writing empty cnID atoms.
- Added workaround for broken MP4 implementations that are writing invalid atom sizes.
- Added support for setting cover description for multiple different covers at once.
Mp3tag v2.57
- Added *.m3u8 to playlist save dialog filter.
- Fixed runtime error during undoing move operation after renaming last file in list.
- Changed syntax for placeholders in language files.
- Fixed runtime error due to wrong use of placeholders in some translations.
Mp3tag v2.56
- Updated Danish, French, Hebrew, Russian, Slovenian and Turkish translations.
- Updated TAK library to TAK 2.3.0.
- Fixed, performing update check occasionally resulted in runtime error.
- Fixed, changing option to show only user-defined genres had no effect until restarting Mp3tag.
- Fixed, undo after removing first file from list had no effect.
- Added Lithuanian language file.
- Fixed, unicode characters encoded in \x{####} format gave runtime exception in web sources (e.g.,
- Added support for *.opus files for Explorer context menu shell extension.
- Added special handling for iTunMOVI field name for MP4.
- Fixed, preview at converter 'Tag - Tag' displayed 0 for %_counter% instead of 1.
- Fixed, after deleting files the list jumps to the beginning.
- Fixed, after moving files the list jumps to the beginning.
- Updated MusicBrainz web source to version 1.06.
- Added support for the IETF Opus codec (
- Improved compatibility with Windows 8.
With Mp3tag program, you can easily add album art/cover pictures into your audio files.(mp3, aac, flac, wma...) Follow the steps below to do this;
- Download and install the program.(You can uncheck the "Explorer Context Menu" option while installing it.With this option enabled, you can add audio files via right click on the files > mp3tag in windows's explorer.If you like this method, skip step 2.)
- Open the program, add your album folder via File > Add Directory (or click to the + icon on toolbar), after selecting folder the related audio files in the specified folder will be listed in the program.
- Find the related album cover picture on Google if you do not have it (or you can use program's tag sources feature, it may find album cover picture on some defined sites.)
- Now we need to select the files to be edited, you can select multiple files via a click while pressing shift key, to select all files press Ctrl+A, so select all audio tracks in the same album in this way.
- Right click on the disc icon (you may see a picture instead if the files already have a album cover picture) on bottom left corner > add cover (or click to the pen icon on the toolbar > add cover) and now select the related album cover picture.Also, you can add/edit some album infos in there.Once you have finished editing, click to the save button (Ctrl+S) to finish the process.

Mp3tag webpage